The Darius Jones Foundation – A Mother's Crusade to Deploy AEDs

Below is an excerpt from a letter of support written by Annuvia to Ms. Monique Bradley, the President of the Darius Jones Foundation and mother of 15-year-old sudden cardiac arrest victim Darius Jones. Ms. Bradley had the opportunity to take many paths after losing her son, but none more noble than to help prevent other mothers from living through the grief she experienced. Ms. Bradley helps remind those in the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and CPR training industry remember why we do what we do.

“Ms. Bradley,

Having been in the AED industry since its infancy, Annuvia has had the opportunity to become acquainted with many periods in which an AED unit was deployed as intended, thus resulting in preventable death. Unfortunately, however, we’ve also experienced numerous stories, such as your own, when an AED was not used. That said, your story is special and touched me like few others.

I was incredibly touched by your email and our phone call. I appreciate your candor regarding the ambitious goals you have for The Darius Jones Foundation. The story of your son’s life is truly inspiring and the way you’re bouncing back, setting out to ensure that other parents are not forced to go through the same agony you’ve faced, is equally inspiring.

Stories like yours remind us of the importance of deploying public access defibrillators. Please let us know if there are any specific things we can do to help honor your son’s name and the wonderful Foundation you’re building.

Very best.


Micah Bongberg

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One comment on “The Darius Jones Foundation – A Mother's Crusade to Deploy AEDs
  1. AED and CPR training says:

    This is so good for me. I want to know more about it.

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